Dear visitor,
Welcome to the website of the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf.
We are very pleased that you would like to learn more about our court.
On the following pages you will find plenty of information about the Higher Regional Court.The Higher Regional Court with about 160 judges and more than 350 employees of the judicial services reviews decisions of the regional and local courts of Düsseldorf, Duisburg, Mönchengladbach, Kleve, Krefeld and Wuppertal. In addition, it has statewide jurisdiction for several special areas, particularly in commercial law, such as public procurement and antitrust law. The Criminal Divisions of the Higher Regional Court deal with criminal cases of national and international importance in a modern high-security building located on Kapellweg. As a district authority, the Higher Regional Court coordinates the efficient use of personnel and funds for more than 5500 employees. The Judicial Examination Office, which is affiliated to the Court, conducts compulsory state examinations as part of the First State Examination in Law.
We would be delighted if our website could provide you with all the information you wish to receive and if we could arouse your interest in the Higher Regional Court Düsseldorf. For questions and comments regarding our internet appearance please feel free to contact the internet editorial team of our house.